Website Program for Restaurants
If you own a Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, or even a Catering business and are just opening or have been around and have not built a website, this website package is for your business!
We have found two reasons why small local businesses do not have websites. There are "free options" out there; however, you must have the time and the ability to use the program. The first reason, most Restaurant owners don't have the time to build a website and certainly don't want to learn how to use a website builder program. The second reason is that the cost to build a website was not budgeted, and the business owner feels they can't afford to hire a professional to build a website for them.
We offer a 3-page template-driven website on a mobile responsive platform that will give you an immediate presence on the internet. You will have the opportunity to choose a color scheme that can match your current logo. We will use any photos you provide and can take pictures for you at your location. Keep in mind photos of your menu items are great for a website. One of the pages on the website will be your menu which will be readable on small devices like smartphones, and we will also create a pdf version of your menu (at no extra charge) that your customers can download and print. If you have been thinking about your online image and need to improve that image, call us today!
As an added value we make sure your information is correct on this page including your new web address, Hours of operation, logo and photos
What You Need to Provide:
Maine Street Marketing
All Rights Reserved | Maine Street Marketing | Website Designed & Hosted by Maine Street Marketing, Inc., Saco Maine